Proyectos e-Twinning

Visit the Blog ECR 2011
Presentation from San Juan School. Spain.

The European Chain Reaction 2011

Chain reaction from Spain from Juan Sánchez-Garrido Escudero on Vimeo.

Visit the Blog ECR 2012
The Human Chain Reaction 2012

Untitled from Juan Sánchez-Garrido Escudero on Vimeo.

The European Chain Reaction 2012

Untitled from Juan Sánchez-Garrido Escudero on Vimeo.

Visit the Blog ECR 2013
The Human Chain Reaction 2013

Human chain 2013 from Juan Sánchez-Garrido Escudero on Vimeo.

The European Chain Reaction 2013

Mi película ECR 2013 from Juan Sánchez-Garrido Escudero on Vimeo.

Visit the Blog ECR 2014
The Human Chain Reaction 2014

Human ECR 2014 091213 0001 from Juan Sánchez-Garrido Escudero on Vimeo.

The European Chain Reaction 2014

ECR 2014 070114 from Juan Sánchez-Garrido Escudero on Vimeo.

Desde el año 2014 el CEIP San Juan se retiró de este hermoso Proyecto e-Twinning, pero el Proyecto continuó con otros centros. Aquí tienes los enlaces a los blogs posteriores:
Visita el Blog ECR 2015
Visita el Blog ECR 2016
Visita el Blog ECR 2017
Visita el Blog ECR 2018
Visita el Blog ECR 2019
Visita el Blog ECR 2020

Let´s talk about our countries (Año 2012)
Países participantes 
Polonia (fundador), Turquía, España, Grecia, Rumanía, Reino Unido. 13 miembros.
Información del proyecto
Doing to the project the students with make a presentation regarding their class and city/town they live in. Children will take post in dance and art competitions They will present and learn customs and traditions present in their countries. They will discover information about famous compatriots, places of interest, cities, buildings in their homeland. The students will gain knowledge about countries where project partners come from.
1. Taking action to work with students and teachers from other European schools. 2. Exchanging teaching experience. 3. Familiarising the project participants with the elements of the Polish language. 4. Using IT technology (computer equipment and other peripherals) as educational tools, both in dealing with a partner school and while conducting school classes. 5. Making efforts to foster the attitudes of openness and tolerance towards other cultures. 6. Introducing the project partners to Christmas and Easter traditions. 7. Acquainting both students and teachers with the lives and works of prominent figures in the Polish and European history. 8. Developing sensitivity to the beauty of our country and its traditions. 9. Shaping the attitudes of patriotism and national identity. 10. Developing skills of observation and searching for information. 11. Acquiring and enhancing the knowledge of selected issues related to Poland. 12. Cooperating with parents and the local community. 13. Promoting our / the school in the local environment.
1. October: The competition for a logo design - technology and format - according to the idea. Creating a map of Europe with an indication of the participating countries. Designing a presentation about our class. Creating a short film about the school. Designing an album together with the description or appearance of our city. Creating puzzles to the point “We live here”. Sending the puzzles to partner schools. Start creating an illustrated language dictionary. 2. November: Building a castle - any technique. Competition of the dance - You can dance (audiovisual recording). Making and sending gifts to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day (bookmark). 3. December a) The most beautiful our legends. b)Christmas traditions. c) Ecological Christmas tree. d) Christmas performace–Nativity play. 4. January a) Characteristic animals of our country. 5. February a) The first our king. b) The most beautiful places in our country. 6. March a) This is our homeland. b) Landscape of our country. c) Spring traditions. d) Easter in our country. 7. April a) Typical our flora. b) National symbols. 8. May a) European Day. b) Important national holidays. c) Theprominet Pole - JP II. d) Famous our writers. 9. June a) Summary of activities.
The implementation of the project’s objectives. Establishing lasting friendship with the project partners. Understanding different countries, cultures, customs, traditions, and interesting foreign places. Knowing the interests, skills, leisure activities and peers’ games. Efficient use of ICT tools.
                                                                          Design presentation of the project by Poland
Tasty Flags (Año 2012)
Países participantes
Polonia, Rumanía, Italia, Portugal, Croacia, España, Turquía, Reino Unido, Lituania, Eslovaquia, Bulgaria, Islandia, Alemania, Países Bajos, Eslovenia, Letonia, Noruega, Estonia, Chipre, Grecia, Francia, Malta, . 71 miembros.
Información del proyecto
Meet different angles of European diversities and similarities in culture and tradition. National flags serve as the basis to create an exhibition of European modelling flags in order to start the contest 'Tasty flags'. Jury decides about the most creative flag designed with traditional food ingredients typical for each country. Winners announced .Virtual display of photos of tasty flags web published.
1. meet & exchange of European flags visually /through Arts, designing, drawings,historical background in a Flag Day 2. transform flags into modelling objects first, then creating them using traditional food instead of flag colours 3. promote typical national food & recipes 4. stimulate creativity &innovative approach to national values of each country 5. develop ICT & English language skills 6. build up the European spirit that brings us together 7. promote each country Flag Day & develop awareness & joy of being European citizen through the process of establishing intercultural communication among different Schools from all over Europe
First we introduce ourselves(school & country)to our partners by using ppts, slideshow, video...Each country prepares the European flag exhibition (modelling with plasticine, paper and upload its presentation. Students do research on their National typical food. Healthy ingredients are used to create/paint/design country tasty flag.Recipes exchange connected to traditional food Contest for the most creative tasty flag selected by a jury &students. Winners announcement. Web publishing. We expect to finish the Project in 3-month-time.
We are planning to use the Public Twinspace to show students' artwork and creativity in designing tasty flags of their country. By meeting different tasty flags of other European countries we expect to develop students' awareness of their own tradition, typical food and to exchange these knowledge with other European countries. We expect many different creative activities from students (cartoons, stories, puzzles, quizzes...) that would sublimate the importance of National flags viewed as creative tasty objects.
London Olympics 2012 (Año 2012)
Países participantes
Italia, Rumanía, Reino Unido, Lituania, Países Bajos, Croacia (fundador), Eslovaquia, Turquía, Letonia, España, Islandia, Eslovenia, Polonia, Bulgaria. 34 miembros.
Información del proyecto
Project to share experiences and knowledge about the Olympic movement and its philosophies and ideals. To enhance pupil understanding of the history of the olympic movement and to encourage pupils' participation in the forthcoming event
To promote greater understanding and commonality of experiences through sport and cultural exchanges. To engender a greater understanding of the Olympic ideals.
To share resources and through collaboration and exchange explore cross curricular opportunities provided by this international event.
Greater understanding of cultural diversity and similarity.
                                                                                       Stamp by Iván de Souza Novais 5ºA
Let´s talk about us (Año 2010)
Países participantes
Rumanía (fundador), Polonia (fundador), Turquía, Reino Unido, Grecia, Portugal, España. 10 miembros.
Información del proyecto
Traditions and festive customs (Christmas, Easter, Grandmother’s Day, Grandfather’s Day, Mother’s Day), interests of pupils, my city, my school, my housing estate, participation in charity actions, participation in environment protection, healthy lifestyle, being proud of our nation.
- Applying ICT devices in the early-school and pre-school education - Exchange of the diverse information trough photography, of presentation. in order to get to know peers from partner schools - Mutual motivation for taking the initiative with a view to introducing effects of the own work to new friends - shaping the attitude of the openness to other nations and to various cultures - developing the ability of planning the work by children, harmonious cooperation in the group, of taking shared decisions, searching and selecting materials - acquainting pupils with the culture, customs, life and traditions of pupils from partner schools.
The beginning of the project December 2010 / January 2011 Completion of the project - June 2011. Teachers participating in the project should meet in „ the teachers room ” for TwinSpace and should establish what tools they will be using at communicating and preparing materials up. The forms and methods of dealing with a particular topic depend on the teacher working in the given group. Some works of pupils will be sent out to partner schools by post. The materials in the process of the realization of individual points will be added in stages since these topics are realized during the entire school year. e.g. participation in charity actions, our interests (e.g. participation in school competitions, class newspapers) healthy lifestyle ect. The beginning of the project. 1. The photo of the group participating in the project. (December/January) 2. Presentation in PowerPoint showing photographs of the school and her rooms with their short description - (December/January). 3. My city – January. Grandmother’s , Grandfather’s Day – January 2011 r. Our interests – during the project. 4. We are proud of our nation – during the project. Easter April/May. 5. Mothering Sunday – May/June 2011 r. 6. Our interests (the participation in school competitions, class newspaper) – in the process of the duration of the project. 7. Healthy lifestyle – in the process of the duration of the project. 8. Participation in charity actions – during of the project.
In this eTwinning project pupils will share pieces of information about their school, the housing estate and thier cities and interests. They will compare cultural features of various European countries. They will be using different tools ICT- e.g. to search for the information, will get to know the country (e) partner (e), and will also prepare the presentation. The learning process will become pleasant and successful. The artistic works of pupils, photographs, of recording songs, PowerPoint presentations. The proper using TwinSpace and the successful cooperation with partner schools. Competent using chosen ICT tools in the early-school and pre-school education. Motivation to introduce the effects of our work to new friends and partners.
The world seen by a child (Año 2010)
Países participantes
Turquía, Rumania (fundador), Italia (fundador), Polonia, España. 8 miembros.
Información del proyecto
Proiectul "The world seen by a child" este un proiect simplu in care accentul este pus pe copii, ei sunt cei care lucreza iar profesorii indrumatori doar ii supravegheaza si manevreaza spatiul de lucru. Copii vor fotografia ceea ce li se pare mai interesant in spatiul lor personal, atat natura cat si obiecte dragi lor, si vor face scurte prezentari ale propriilor lucrari. profesorii vor realiza prezentari power point si le vor plase in spatiul lor etwinning space unde vor vizualiza si lucrarile scolilor partenere. Fotografiile vor fi realizate pe parcursul anului scolar astfel putand fi prinse cele 4 anotimpuri ale tarii noastre si natura in diferite stadii in toate tarile participante.
Elevii sunt antrenati intr-un proiect interesant si distractiv, ei vor participa si vor realiza singuri acele fotografii si isi vor dezvolta competentele personale.Ei isi vor demonstra creativitatea si vor prezenta lumea intr-o lumina proprie, sau in cazul in care vor avea acces, se pot utiliza programe de calculator pentru modificarea imaginilor surprinse cu aparatul de fotografiat. Elevii au o atitudine pozitivă faţă de TIC şi sunt dispuşi să utilizeze TIC pentru a le sprijini în procesul de învăţare. Elevii utilizeaza TIC într-o manieră sigură, responsabilă şi eficientă. Elevii pot utiliza TIC pentru propriile idei creative pentru a modifica imaginile. Elevii pot utiliza TIC ca mod sigur, responsabil şi eficient de a comunica.
Pentru inceput elevii vor realiza un desen alaturi de prezentarea scurta a fiecaruia,si fiecare profesor indrumator va realiza ori prezentari Power Point ori pe un alt suport disponibil cu aceste desene. Urmatorul pas este realizat atunci cand se fotografiaza si confectioneaza masti fiecare elev fiind implicat in aceasta actiune.
La finalul acestui proiect fiecare scoala poate realiza o expozitie cu lucrarile realizate, si poate o prezentare in spatiul public virtual eTwinning
                                                                        Javier, Reda and Juan in 3B class. 8 years old. Carnival.
Our cultures, our towns (Año 2010)
Países participantes
Turquía, Reino Unido, Grecia, Rumanía, Polonia, España (fundador, CEIP San Juan). 11 miembros.
Información del proyecto "Our Cultures, Our Towns"
It´s an easy project where students of several courses of Primary (6-12 years old) do and exchange information about their towns or their places of residence to make an application or presentation (like powerpoint) to be shown in the web pages of schools into the project and in the twinspace
1. Knowing different cultures. 2. Appreciating the reality of Europe and doing it nearer to the students. 3. Using new technologies to make activities in the project. 4. Participating in activities to promote the value of collaboration among schools participating in the project. 5. Looking for similarities among different cultures. 6. Promoting values like respect, solidarity and equality among schools in the project.
First term of course 2010/2011: Contact among teachers participating in the project and development of planning. Making precise tasks about contents by students in the project. Second term: Exchange of works and contact of students in twinspace. Third term: Doing the presentation to show it to the schools participating in the project.
Presentation (powerpoint or similar). Panels, fine cardboards and illustrated works to show the others schools in the project in the twinspace or in the net.
                                                                                Autumn party

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